Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clog Canyon!

I decided that it was finally time for me to "grow up" and be "mature. After all, I had purchased my first pair of clogs only a few weeks ago and they've barely left my feet since then. I called my parents to let them know that I needed to sell my beautiful, sexy red eclipse because it was too small and inconvenient. My timing was impeccable! They were wanting to get rid of their 2006 Sonata, they said it had heated seats and I was sold! It would also be free for me to have their Sonata versus me trying to purchase my own car. I might be growing up, which means I should have purchased a car, but who could turn down a free car?!

It was settled, I would get their car and the rents would sell mine. They live in Missouri and I live in California...this was a minor we decided on Flagstaff, Az. Why Flagstaff? Well, it wasn't far from the Grand Canyon, something I've never seen and something Wayne has been eager to take photos of again for some time. It was settled, Flagstaff, here we come!

I figured since this was going to be a 3 day trip, 12 hour drive each way, that I would want to be comfortable. What was more comfortable than my clogs? Nothing! So we packed our stuff and were off! Wayne had mentioned a few times to bring some warm clothing because there was a chance of snow.

The drive was longer than I expected, well I expected a long drive, but this seriously felt like days even though it was just "hours". Wayne and I had our fun, basically me playing hundred thousand questions with him to create conversation. The drive went smoothly and as we approached Flagstaff there were some snow flurries, and then there were a lot of snow flurries! It snowed ALL night so we woke up to over 2 FEET OF SNOW!!

My car was buried, my new car was buried and my dad was on crutched trying to clean the car off. I sent my dad inside, not wanting to injure him further when I started to notice that my socks were dampening and my feet were getting chilled. It was right then I noticed that I was wearing clogs, my ever faithful clogs that I loved dearly. What on earth was I doing still wearing them while in two feet of snow?!? Oh yes, I packed plenty of snow clothes and only one pair of backless clogs.

Wayne and I saw that there was a Kohls nearby and I thought I could just buy new shoes that were a little more suited for snow, after all I wasn't missing going to the Grand Canyon, especially covered in snow. It turns out that I'm super cheap and the shoes there were a little more pricey than I wanted them to be. Didn't Kohls know I just needed a simple pair of normal shoes to wear just the one time? I guess not, so I left with just extra pairs of socks. My rational, "hey, I could wear two pairs of socks instead!".

We got to the Grand Canyon and it was amazing, but my feet were freezing. I almost killed myself several times trying to hike around and climbing over the fenced in areas so follow Wayne. The "two-sock" trick did not help at all. My feet were frozen, my ankles nearly broken, and I'm still unsure of how I didn't get frost bite on my toes!

Moral of the story: Yes, clogs are the best thing since sliced bread, but everyone should ALWAYS pack a second pair of shoes. You never know when you are going to get trapped in a snow storm and want to hike through the Grand Canyon!